B.I.G. Solutions delivers the highest and most current level of expertise in the areas of Behavior Intervention, Behavior Development and Behavior Consultation/Training. B.I.G. Solutions uses scientific teaching methods rooted in Applied Behavior Analysis. We specialize in team work and team collaboration in order to best serve the individual child. Behavioral services can occur in Special Day Classrooms, General education classrooms, or a combination of both (mainstreaming). Our goal is to help increase student success rates in their Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).
A BCBA Supervisor with educational experience will oversee your child’s behavioral program. Our BCBA will consult with parent(s) and teachers in order to promote independence and success for your child, and will discuss the child’s Behavior Intervention Therapy (BIT) on a regular basis.
Behavior Intervention Therapy (BIT):
An intensive service intended for those circumstances where school-wide and classroom behavior intervention prove to be unsuccessful or where an IEP team determines that the student needs behavioral therapy to meet his or her needs. These services do not replace or supplant appropriate behavior support provided in the school-wide environment and the classroom program.
Behavior Intervention Development (BID):
- Directs supervision of the BII
- Data Collection Systems and Analysis
- Data analysis of data for behavior assessment and on going data analysis to modify as needed
- Design of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), which includes a plan to generalize behavior and transitions
- Reinforcement / Preference Assessment and Reinforcement Plan Development
- Gives direction to BII on the implementation of behavior plan
- Ongoing Behavioral Staff Training of BII as needed, as well as modeling strategies
- Supervises the performance of BII
- Collaboration and consultation with the student’s IEP team, setting up team meeting as needed
- Participates in IEP meetings to report on student progress and provides a written behavioral report to the team prior to the meeting.
- Goal progress and Treatment Plan updates throughout the school year
- Communicates student progress directly to team and family.
- Consults with District staff, school staff and parents
- Serves as a resource for school site personnel
- Functions as the contact for school and parent regarding BII services/concerns
- Master Contract requires a Master’s Degree in a related field, related fields specified in California Education Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 3065
Additional School Service by BID:
Independent Educational Evaluation:
- Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
- Functional Analysis Assessment (FAA)
Behavior Intervention Implementation (BII):
- Implements Behavior Intervention services
- Works directly with student to implement positive behavior plan
- Implements IEP Behavior Goals, Support and Treatment Plans
- Prompts student behaviors, collects data on target behaviors for analysis by BID, teacher, and other District staff
- Follows the Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) and implements specific therapeutic strategies to address a student’s identified target behavior
- Acts under the supervision of credentialed staff/teacher and under the supervision of the BID
- Collaborates with teacher and other school related service staff
- BII provider is not to be confused with additional adult assistance